- DSc Fish Evolution, University of Łódź, 2019
- PhD Fish Behaviour, University of Aberystwyth, 1990-1993
- MSc Fisheries Biology, University of Plymouth, 1989
- BSc Marine Biology, University of Plymouth, 1985-1988
- Professor of Zoology, University of Łódź, Poland (2019-present)
- Reader in Zoology, University of St Andrews, UK (2009-2019)
- Lecturer in Zoology, University of Leicester, UK (2004-2009)
- Lecturer in Aquatic Biology, Queen Mary College, London, UK (1998-2004)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, University of East Anglia, UK (1995-1998)
- Assistant Professor, Khulna University, Bangladesh (1993-1995)
- Scientific Officer, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK (1989-1990)
- Fish biology, ecology and evolution
- Animal behaviour
- Evolutionary ecology
- Experimental design and statistical modelling
- Bayesian inference
- My research explores the diversity of fish mating systems, brood-parasite coevolution, and fish ecology
- I have published 150 peer-reviewed scientific papers and 6 books (h-index 52 with >9,000 citations)
- Supervised 18 PhD students
- Supported 14 post-doctoral researchers
- Received 18 research grants totalling €1.5 million
- Presented 7 plenary and keynote lectures and >60 invited seminars and conference talks
- Organiser/co-organiser of 7 international conferences
- Taught 26 different modules at six universities at undergraduate and postgraduate level
- Subjects include ecology, zoology, evolutionary biology, experimental design and statistics
- Completed 18 courses in academic practice
- Undertaken 15 external courses in advanced statistics
- Regularly run external statistics workshops
Service and leadership
- Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Vertebrate Biology
- Assistant Editor, Journal of Fish Biology
- Society Secretary, Freshwater Group of the Linnaean Society of London
- PhD examiner at Universities of Sheffield, Hull, Leicester, Nottingham, Aberystwyth, Padova
- Fisheries consultant for the UK Department for International Development, Government of Sri Lanka, Asian Development Bank, Food & Agriculture Organisation, and United Nations Development Programme
- Grant reviewing for research Councils in the UK (NERC, BBSRC), NC3Rs, Leverhulme Trust, Commonwealth Scholarships Commission; Czech Republic (Czech Grant Agency), Austria (FWF), Poland (NCN), and USA (NSF)
- Curator, Bell-Pettigrew Museum of Natural History, University of St Andrews, UK